For doctors, social media is a tool for research and teaching people about healthful habits. For patients, it’s an avenue for sharing doctors, facilities and advice. Twitter. A popular online social network? Yes. A vital tool for medical research? Maybe. “Until now, healthcare providers have primarily used online networks as a promotional tool,” says Lee […]
Continue Reading —›How Do I Know If My Child Has Allergies? by Nina L. Shapiro, MD “It must be allergies.” How often do parents hear that? Very. But is it really the answer to all things stuffy and runny? Maybe yes, but maybe no. Presence or absence of allergies is oftentimes puzzling for parents. Especially nowadays, where […]
Continue Reading —›Newborns spend a lot of their days (and, for your sake, hopefully nights) sleeping. Because they easily spend more than half of their time asleep, it is crucial that this activity is done safely. The safest way to have your newborn sleep is on his back. In 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics found that […]
Continue Reading —›I thought I knew plenty about newborns. But I didn’t know that they areobligate nasal breathers, which means they cannot breathe through their mouths until they are around four months old. I also didn’t really ever understand how to use saline solution to clear a new baby’s nose. (Four kids, and I never learned this? […]
Continue Reading —›By Dr. Nina Shapiro Infant carriers, be they sacks, slings or ‘bjorns’, are wonderful ways to keep a baby close to your body, whether you are mom, dad, or loving caregiver. The physical closeness that these carriers provide allows a baby to feel similar to to how he felt in the […]
Continue Reading —›BY JOY BLACKBURN (DAILY NEWS STAFF) Published: January 10, 2012 A new book written by a doctor with local connections may help guide parents and caregivers about what’s normal and what’s not when children’s breathing issues crop up. “Take a Deep Breath: Clear the Air for the Health of Your Child,” […]
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